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The objective of the course is to equip the students with the analytical tools to understand Microeconomics: the study of economic activity including individuals and firms from the point of view of individual decision-making units. The course is foundational for a broad range of other subjects in Economics and as such highly abstract and fairly demanding from a mathematical point of view.

This course will begin with the analysis of individual preferences, and then proceed to models of consumer behavior, including labor supply decisions. Multiple individual consumers will then be considered to form a “pure exchange economy.” The existence of equilibrium in these economies will then be discussed, together with their welfare and distributional properties.

This course is part of the "Market Analysis" Program. If you wish to follow this course, you need to enrol via the Program at this link

Link Video Vimeo: 844264872
Area: Università
Ente: Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
Lingua: en_US
Lis: No
Vecchia edizione: No
Video Trailer (Embedded):
Livello Corso: Intermediate

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