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English Intermediate (B1.2)

Livello Intermedio
Lingua inglese


Welcome to the second and final course in our B1 program. English is the most important international language for the workplace and for study, and this second course will help you improve your language skills even further to reach the convincing intermediate level you need to work, study or travel abroad. The varied learning activities will enable you to communicate on a variety of more complex topics like the digital university, the climate and the environment, and looking after your health. 



Il Corso

Welcome to the second and final course in our B1 program. English is the most important international language for the workplace and for study, and this second course will help you improve your language skills even further to reach the convincing intermediate level you need to work, study or travel abroad. The varied learning activities will enable you to communicate on a variety of more complex topics like the digital university, the climate and the environment, and looking after your health. 

Link Video Vimeo: 759867341
Area: Federica Pro
Ente: Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
Lingua: en_US
Lis: No
Vecchia edizione: No
Video Trailer (Embedded):
Livello Corso: Intermediate

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