This online Bachelor’s degree discloses the intriguing secrets of the human mind by allowing a worldwide access to an interactive learning experience.
On this web page is the section delivered through MOOCs on Federica Web Learning. The progress bar, located on the right side of this page, will color as you complete individual courses.
The MOOCs you need to attend are divided by year in the boxes below. Start discovering the processes of the mind.
Complete your learning journey by following supplemental meetings and tutorials with faculty on the University of Padua's Moodle platform.
- Docente: Roberta Biundo
- Docente: Tommaso Boldrini
- Docente: Valentina Cardi
- Docente: Svetlana Chetaikina
- Docente: Lorenza Entilli
- Docente: Peter Jonason
- Docente: Aram Megighian
- Docente: Simone Messerotti Benvenuti
- Docente: Giovanna Mioni
- Docente: Chiara Mirandola
- Docente: Merylin Monaro
- Docente: Tania Moretta
- Docente: Ughetta Moscardino
- Docente: Valeria Orso
- Docente: Elisabetta Patron
- Docente: Luisa Sartori
- Docente: Sara Scrimin
- Docente: Andrea Spoto
- Docente: Alessio Surian
- Docente: Enrico Toffalini