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The course Asset Pricing I will provide students with the main theoretical and analytical tools to study and understand the economics of financial markets and portfolio choices. After learning the different structure that financial markets can take and the key functions that these perform, learners will analyze how financial markets affect saving and investment decisions in an economy with no uncertainty. Then, learners will be introduced to expected utility theory, which will provide them with the key analytical tools to study choices under uncertainty. These tools will then be used to model and analyze portfolio choices: First, learners will study the so-called canonical portfolio problem, that is, the problem an investor who has to choose how to allocate their wealth between a safe and a risky asset; Then, they will study portfolio choices that involve multiple risky assets. The analysis of portfolio choices will allow learners to characterize and determine investors’ optimal demand for risky assets, which will lay the foundation for the analysis of the Capital Asset Pricing Model, a milestone for asset pricing and financial economics. The analysis of the CAPM will finally teach learners how to characterize equilibrium returns and asset prices in financial markets, also understanding the key forces that govern these key variables.

This course is part of the “Finance” Program. If you wish to follow this course, you need to enrol via the Program at this link

Link Video Vimeo: 772351977
Area: Università
Ente: Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
Lingua: en_US
Lis: No
Vecchia edizione: No
Video Trailer (Embedded):
Livello Corso: Intermediate

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