The primary goal of this course is to equip students with essential mathematical tools that are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the foundations and methodologies in modern economic analysis. These tools will prove particularly beneficial in subsequent courses, with a specific emphasis on Microeconomics.During Week 1, we will conduct a thorough review of calculus and linear algebra, concurrently introducing the concept of a fixed point. Moving into Week 2, our focus will shift to the study of optimization—the fundamental mathematical framework economists employ to model the decision-making process among agents faced with various alternatives.Week 3 will be dedicated to exploring difference and differential equations, essential tools economists utilize to depict the dynamic evolution of economic phenomena over time. Shifting our attention to Weeks 4 and 5, we will delve into the calculus of probability, serving as the mathematical foundation for the examination of risk. This understanding is particularly critical in fields like finance. In Week 6, we will study a more advanced topic in optimization, dynamic optimization, useful for macroeconomics.By the end of this course, students will have acquired a robust mathematical toolkit that forms the basis for a good comprehension of economic theories and practices.This course is part of the "Market Analysis" Program. If you wish to follow this course, you need to enrol via the Program at this link.